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Auburn Building Bricks
and Sta-Lox

Auburn Flexible Building Bricks and Sta-Lox were simple constructional systems for making buildings. The bricks were made from vinyl.

Auburn Flexible Building Bricks was made in the USA from the 1940s and there appears to be two types of it:-
1. One like the 605 set below, which has miniature in its name and has building roofs and windows as a sheet - probably of vinyl.
2. One like the 949 set below, which appears to use the same bricks as above but the roofs are made from green individual pieces of vinyl which clip together.
Not sure whether the bricks in the two types above are identical or not. Certainly in photos they are.

Sta-Lox was made in Canada (dates unknown) and appears to be identical to the first of the Auburn Flexible Building Bricks above. The front cover of the manuals are identical apart from the name of the system.

Manufacturer / Distributor

Auburn Flexible Building Bricks: Auburn Rubber Company Inc., Deming, New Mexico, USA
Sta-Lox : Peter-Austin Mfg. Co., Toronto, Canada

Below there are various manuals/leafets which can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate image.

Photos of an Auburn Miniature Flexible Building Bricks set No. 605
(Type 1 above)
Added 07/05/22

Photos of an Auburn Flexible Building Bricks set No. 949
(Type 2 above)
Added 07/05/22

A Sta-Lox manual
Added 14/01/20